The project is co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

Significant Landscape Krka River - upper course

Explore and experience

Natural attractions

The river Krka springs northeast of Knin at the foot of Topoljski buk, where the river Krčić ends. Krka has three permanent sources: the Main Source, the Small Source and the Third Source. The main spring is located in a cave at the foot of Topoljski Buk, while the Third Spring and Mali Izvor are located slightly lower on the left bank of the river. In the upper part of the Krka, there are as many as three larger tributaries: Kosovčica, Orašnica and Butišnica. As many as three endemic fish live here: the soft-muzzled trout, Illyric dace and the Zrmanja dace. The upper course of the river Krka is a habitat of otters, endangered species at a European scale.


In its upper reaches the Krka River offers its visitors something that few other Croatian rivers can offer – you are literally in the centre of the city but at the same time you are at the crystal clear karst beauty.

Significant Landscape Krka River - upper course